Hello everyone, i need serious help, i started learning javascript some days ago... i have started learning and practicing from "Eloquent_JavaScript" , i have stuck at loops section (while , for ) logical things, i am not understanding those things fully , i have tried to learn from moillza website too , still not understanding properly , i am weak at mathematical , i have tried learning php (about 3 -4 times) about 4-5 years ago, same case as javascript , i become stuck at logical section (which is core to programming) and give up eventually , i have started learning functions now , still i m facing logical things understanding problems , and i understood that when i started exercises in loops section chapter .... i couldn't clear chessboard problem (although i saw hints , even then i couldn't clear that exercise) . I am having frustration , i stopped playing games too, as i need to learn programming languages , kindly help me to get rid of this black hole for me...
thanks in advance.
Hello OneandonlySunny,
You need a proper training to develop your logics. We can help you with more tutorial videos. For more details mail us at esoftcode@gmail.com
May 18,2018 At 01:24 PM
Solution #1