Does HTTPS Website is More Secure?

There are some myths about HTTPS, that it is more secure. In this blog you will understand the benefit of HTTPS and when this is falls short. But do you know the fact about HTTP & HTTPS?

HTTP : Hypertext transfer protocol is used to transmit the message accross the web. It tells the browsers and servers what action they should take when browsing any website.

HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP. HTTPS uses different port 443 than HTTP port 80. In HTTPS, the information transfered between users web browser to server is in encrypted format. For getting HTTPS site, You need to buy a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate from any hosting providers. There are two types of SSL certificate one is domain validation certificate and second is fully authenticated certificate. For fully authenticated certificate you need to verify ownership and authority over the domain.

HTTPS are not responsible for website security.

HTTPS does not protect your website from SQL Injection, Cross site scripting, danial of services. If any port is open then hacker can easily hack into your website.For security of your application you need to do virus scan on daily basis. HTTPS is essential for payment gateways.

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Pallav Kumar

Software Engineer
Delhi, India

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