Efficiently Manage Product Visibility with Shopify Hide Products App

Amber Larson
07-10-2024 13:04:59

As a Shopify store owner, you may want to limit product visibility for various customers depending on their access level, customer tags, or other criteria. Whether you’re operating a wholesale business, offering exclusive products to VIP customers, or managing inventory that varies by customer type, hiding certain products can be a valuable solution. The Shopify Hide Products app offers a seamless way to manage which products, prices, or collections are visible to specific users. It’s a versatile tool that enables merchants to hide entire product pages, collections, or prices, and even add password protection for selective access.

Problem Statement: Why Control Product Visibility?

For businesses that cater to different customer segments, it can be challenging to manage access to certain products. Not all products or pricing details should be visible to every visitor, especially in cases where wholesale items or special offers are meant for specific customer groups. Allowing access to the wrong group or displaying hidden product prices could lead to pricing conflicts, order fulfillment issues, or dissatisfaction among customers.

Why It's Necessary to Control Visibility

Shopify Hide Price solves this problem by enabling merchants to manage product visibility across their stores based on customers’ tags or access levels. This is especially useful for B2B stores or businesses offering exclusive products to a selected audience. With this app, you can ensure that only the intended audience sees the products, prices, and categories meant for them, keeping the shopping experience tailored and professional.

Introduction to the Shopify Hide Products App

The Shopify Hide Products app offers a powerful way to control who can see certain products, prices, and collections within your store. This tool helps hide specific products or collections from unauthorized users or guests while offering two distinct ways to restrict access:

  1. Hide Products – You can hide entire product pages from specific customers, guest users, or those who don’t meet certain criteria. If a customer tries to access these hidden pages via direct link, you can show a custom error message or redirect them to another page.
  2. Password Protection – For additional security, you can add password protection to products, allowing only customers with the correct password to view the product details.

Key Features

  1. Hide Products and Collections With this app, you can easily hide entire products or collections from selected users based on customer tags, individual customer profiles, or guest status. This means you have full control over which customers can view specific sections of your store.

  2. Password Protection Instead of fully hiding products, you can add password protection for select items. This allows you to give specific customers access via a password, making it ideal for VIP sales, limited editions, or pre-launch products.

  3. Hide Product Pages from Certain Customers You can hide specific products from certain customer segments, such as guest users or individual customers tagged with certain labels. This level of customization ensures that the right customers are seeing the right products.

  4. Replace Listings with Custom or Blurred Images Rather than just hiding products, you can replace the listing’s appearance with a custom image or blur the product image. This keeps the page live but restricts access until customers meet the necessary criteria.

  5. Hide Prices and Add Custom Text For specific products, you can choose to hide the price and replace it with custom text. This feature is particularly useful for wholesale items or products that require inquiry before purchasing. You can guide your customers with a call-to-action text like "Contact us for pricing" or "Available for registered users only."

Benefits of Using Shopify Hide Products

  • Enhanced Store Management: Gain full control over what different customer groups can access, ensuring that products and prices are displayed only to the intended audience.
  • Improved Customer Segmentation: Show exclusive products or pricing to VIP customers, wholesale clients, or registered users, creating a more personalized shopping experience.
  • Security and Privacy: Password protection adds an extra layer of security for sensitive products, keeping unauthorized users away from restricted items.
  • Flexible Customization: Customize error messages, redirects, and listing appearances, giving you the flexibility to manage visibility in a way that suits your store’s needs.

Setup Instructions

  1. Install the App
    Begin by installing the Shopify Hide Products app from the Shopify App Store.

  2. Set Visibility Rules
    Navigate to the app’s settings to create visibility rules. You can choose to hide products based on customer tags, individual users, or guest access.

  3. Choose between Hiding or Password Protecting
    Decide if you want to fully hide products or apply password protection. For hidden products, set custom error messages or redirections.

  4. Customize Appearance
    Use the app’s settings to replace product listings with custom images or blurred visuals for hidden products. Additionally, you can hide prices and replace them with custom text.

  5. Test Your Setup
    After configuring the app, test the product visibility on various customer accounts or guest browsers to ensure the restrictions work as intended.


The Shopify Hide Products app is an essential tool for any store that needs to manage product visibility across different customer segments. Whether you’re operating a B2B store, offering exclusive products, or managing regional pricing, the app provides the necessary features to ensure that only the right customers see the right products. The flexibility in setting rules, hiding prices, or adding password protection makes it a must-have solution for Shopify merchants who need to control product visibility.


1. Can I hide products based on customer tags?
Yes, the app allows you to hide products from customers based on their tags, such as wholesale or VIP customers.

2. Is there an option to add password protection instead of hiding products?
Yes, you can apply password protection to products, allowing customers with the password to access the product details.

3. How do I hide the price on specific products?
You can use the app to hide price on specific products and replace it with custom text, such as "Contact us for pricing."

4. Can I hide collections and categories as well?
Yes, you can hide entire collections or categories from specific customers or guest users.

5. Will customers be redirected if they attempt to access a hidden product?
You can set up custom redirects or error messages for customers who try to access hidden products.

By using this app, you can easily hide product on Shopify, manage Shopify product visibility, and even Shopify hide price on specific product pages, ensuring a more tailored shopping experience for your customers.

Shopify hide products, Shopify hide price

Web Developer (Dubai, UAE)
